REPRINTED FROM: by Jeannette Wolfe, MD on March 14, 2013 Sex and Gender Competency Essential For Emergency Departments Does your next patient have a Y chromosome? The answer could impact the diagnosis more than you realize. As you walk to the parking lot with your mind still buzzing after a busy shift, you consciously sort [...]
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Evaluating Sex Differences in Medical Device Clinical Trials: Time for Action

SS Dhruva, RF Redberg The Safety and Effectiveness of Medical Treatments can differ in men and women formany reasons related to different epidemiologic characteristics, physiology, and body size. In general, women have higher bleeding rates and procedural morbidity and mortality than men, which means that their risk/benefit ratios for many implanted medical devices can [...]
Read More Clinical trials, medical devicesEfficacy Requires Women Be Included in Generic Drug Testing

In response to a review of clinical trials on drug bioequivalence, Larry Cahill , PhD, a Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior, at the University of California/Irvine, argues that the exclusive reliance on testing generic drugs in males in indefensible. Turns out “inactive” ingredients can produce very different- even opposite- reactions to the effectiveness of the [...]
Read More Clinical trials, Medications, prescription drugsAnti Cancer Vaccine Under Development

One option for a targeted cancer treatment is the creation of a vaccine that induces an immune response focused solely on cancer cells. This vaccine works on the premise of introducing a peptide into the patient to stimulate formation of T cells that recognize the peptide found in a protein on cancer cells, triggering cancer [...]
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